Crypto market participation continues to dip
the president told reporters after he walked away from the microphone to leave the room.
Sometimes they need to let off steam.Soldiers on helicopters dropped boxes of food into the jungle.
Valencia provided new details of the childrens recovery two days after the rescue: They have been drawing.An air force video released Friday showed a helicopter using lines to pull the youngsters up because it couldnt land in the dense rainforest where they were found.The children were traveling with their mother from the Amazonian village of Araracuara to San Jose del Guaviare when the plane went down.
They at least are already eating.Colombias army sent 150 soldiers with dogs into the area.
Search and rescue teams of the Colombian Army conduct operation at the scene after a plane crashed in the jungle more than two weeks earlier in Colombia on May 19.
We proved the world that we found the plane.2020 ― as the remains of typhoon Haishen struck the Korean Peninsula ― continues to show activity within.
largely over how to sequence the Norths denuclearization with test North Korean intentions and also give diplomacy another chance.
And so if you take all those assessments.This activity remains suggestive.