Cape Cod man says he was swallowed whole by humpback whale: ‘I was completely inside’
000 acres is the largest Army base east of the Mississippi River.
the Coral Reef Airborne Laboratory.The Navy needs to know where the coral reefs are to protect them.
its used a homegrown technology to map the ocean floor around the country.who runs a marine advocacy group called The Ocean Agency.As soon as we designed that [technology].
but uses light rather than sound.he had just returned from a 23-day cruise on the RV Sonne.
an acronym for the JPLs Portable Remote Imaging Spectrometer.
Their work is crucial to efforts to save the reef.A man walks through burned houses following a forest fire in Pinheiro do Azere.
its firefighting assets are reduced by half.where four people died in wildfires.
called a special meeting of his Cabinet for next Saturday to discuss firefighting measures.Local governments in the worst-hit areas.