San Diego Padres’ Japanese Heritage Celebration
The full ethics panel unanimously voted to refer the evidence of Santos alleged violations to the Justice Department.
according to some conspiracy theorists.the museum said in a statement published on its website.
A graphic representation from the Sea War Museum Jutland in Denmark shows the wreckage of a Nazi German U-boat.nose-first at about a 45 degree angle.there were many rumors about top Nazis who fled in U-boats and brought Nazi gold to safety.
A museum in Denmark says it has solved the seven-decade mystery of a missing Nazi submarine.says researchers found the German U-boat U-3523 on the seafloor just north of the country earlier this month.
show the German sub partially embedded in the seafloor.
For years there has been speculation that the sub.DAMASCUS -- Security concerns were still keeping international experts from inspecting the site of a suspected chemical attack in Syria on Thursday.
Western diplomats and weapons experts have underlined that time is of the essence if inspectors are going to figure out exactly what took place.and France say they have proof that Syrias government was behind the April 7 attack.
The terrorists who were here did this.Inspectors from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) were yet to reach the town of Douma.