The Baby, the Book, and the Bathwater_LOTO188
working around-the clock respLOTO188onding to the effects of this crisis: shelters are full.
The lend-lease bill allows the president to lend or lease defense equipment to Ukraine for fiscal year 2022 and 2023.and also slashes bureaucratic red tape to make sure equipment is delivered quickly.LOTO188
government to lend or lease war supplies.I cosponsored this bill and was proud to support it on the House floor because it will expand our nations ability to expeditiously deliver additional defense articles to the government of Ukraine as they fight back against Vladimir Putins barbaric and unlawful invasion.The cost of this fight is not cheap.LOTO188
The House has passed a bill allowing the Biden administration to lend or lease weapons to Ukraine and other eastern European countries.or we stand by as the Russians continue their atrocities and aggression in Ukraine.
after the Senate passed it by unanimous consent earlier this month.
but caving to aggression is going to be more costly if we allow it to happen.Santiago/Getty ImagesMike Davis
they otherwise didnt meet one-on-one.I value our conversation because I think its paramount that you and I understand each other clearly.
said National Security Council spokesman John Kirby.China is taking a number of steps intended to curtail the supplies.