Tucson robbery suspect, 80, busted for ripping off credit union with gun
and he was eventually released.
Veterans Exploring Treatment Solutions.I became aware of my presence again.
the location of which CBS News was asked not to disclose for the safety and security of the participants.visibly moved as tears rolled down his face.where he says he experienced a miraculous transformation thanks to psychedelics.
the best feeling in the world.Daniels said its disappointing that some veterans cant get the healing they need in the country they fought for.
Aguilar first focused on setting intentions and preparing the veterans for their experience.
who spent 14 years as a Green Beret and nearly four years in active combat.both of which provide advice to Congress.
Primary care is the foundation of our health care system.Substantial disparities between what primary care physicians earn relative to specialists like orthopedists and cardiologists can weigh into medical students decisions about which field to choose.
which tracks the number of residency slots available for graduating medical students and the number of slots filled.and it is our top priority on the Hill right now.