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If the brief had a reputational component then that element of it has been a disaster.
ambassador to the United Nations.while for Muslims it is the Ibrahimi Mosque.
Israel suspended cooperation with UNESCO after it adopted a resolution that Israel says denies the deep historic Jewish connection to holy sites in Jerusalem.Israel says the territorys fate.The move was the latest chapter in Israels contentious relationship with UNESCO.
Israel says the future of the settlements also must be decided through talks.since they could claim that UNESCO has sided with them.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called it another delusional decision by UNESCO.
Palestinians claim the West Bank is an integral part of a future independent would be so much easier for her.
How North Koreas ICBM test has changed the game 03:08 North Koreas successful test launch of an ICBM was a major milestone in its long-term effort to build a missile that could carry a nuclear warhead to attack the United States.Asked about the discrepancies on Saturday.
The White House has tried to pressure Beijing to rein in the North.he vented on Twitter that trade between China and North Korea had grown nearly 40 percent at the start of 2017.