Book reveals Trump administration’s efforts to gut, corrupt government_78win
and that s78wintarts with Medicare.
But it drew this response that we just put up for our viewers from Hillary Clinton.Why didnt the FBI do this? This was a national security threat happening under the nose of the FBI.78win
And hes in a world of trouble.its another reminder of the kind of people this president surrounds himself with.But people can learn an awful lot about Russia and the Trump campaign just by rea78winding the thousand pages that the Senate Intelligence Committee put out this week.
MARGARET BRENNAN: Are we still this vulnerable?COMEY: Yes.Were going to take a break and come back and continue our conversation with former Director Comey in just a few minutes.
(END CLIP) MARGARET BRENNAN: Hes talking about fraud at the ballot box.
which is to weaponize and actually fire stolen material at our democratic process.“We are flagging problematic posts for Facebook that spread disinformation.
Flahertys communication ‘suggestions is akin to saying that the Earth is flat or the moon is made of green cheesePresident Joe Bidens age and ability have been a target for the commander-in-chiefs critics.
suggested that Joe Biden had fallen asleep during his meeting with Israeli President Isaac Herzog.There are a few seconds where Biden tries to find his words and speaks quietly.