Syngman Rhee was and still is one of the most hated South Koreans in North Korea.
The bag was flying just above Japan and out over the Pacific Ocean as of Wednesday morning.
Santos criticized the Ethics Committee for releasing what he said was a biased report and continued to defend himself from the allegations of wrongdoing.Congressional investigators found Santos also used campaign funds for spa services and cosmetic procedures.
the committee has given two updates on its investigation.though he has attempted to pin the blame on his former campaign treasurer.It was a disgusting hit piece that really shows how low our federal government has sunk to and how we the people desperately need an Article V constitutional Convention.
which was submitted and unanimously adopted by the full Ethics Committee.Santos faced his first expulsion attempt in May.
the subcommittee said in its report.
who voted against expelling Santos.His family and others have blamed North Korea for his condition.
North Korea said it dealt with him according to its domestic laws and international standards.but claimed that the United States then totally ignored his death.
we provided him with medical treatments and care with all sincerity on humanitarian basis until his return to the U.The spokesman didnt describe how Hunziker died.