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More On: black lives matter Pennsylvania township’s ban of ‘Thin Blue Line’ flag ruled unconstitutional BLMs Hamas support is no shock.Rich FuryAbdullah’s legal claims amounted to a personal attack on Bowers and a power grab.
“The judge determined that Melina Abdullah and BLM Grassroots failed to establish that they were entitled to any donated funds.founded her non-profit months before suing the larger organization.a Los Angeles-based activist and former BLMGNF member.
was entitled to $10 million from BLMGNF but Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Stephanie Bowick ruled Thursday that they failed to prove their case.told reporters Thursday she was “stunned and dismayed” by the verdict and planned to appeal.
who left the organization after The Post revealed that she went on a $3 million real estate buying spree.
” said BLMGNF attorney Byron McLain in a statement to The Post an attempt to force her to sell her land.
with people trespassing and “trashing her property” by cutting shrubs.-based developer Bailey Point Investment Group.
including removing a satellite dish and a storage shed that Bailey Point claimed were on its land.the Hilton Head Island Packet reported.