offering customers personalized video messages
Instead of New Years fireworks.
including the Strait of Gibraltar where orcas sank a yacht in a 45-minute attack last month.told The New York Times that hes had two encounters with orcas.
throw substances that could harm the animals.people who come across whales in Spanish waters cannot purposefully come into contact.fireworks and loud horns were all suggested to keep away the whales.
and then take those skill sets and share them and teach them to other whales.has recorded hundreds of interactions between the species and boats in recent years.
Rutsch said he also tried music a Spotify playlist called Metal for Orcas that he played through an underwater speaker.
and shes looking at these boats as the enemy.this years Mansouri Operations will differ from previous ones in nature and will be conducted with a twin-tracked political and military approach.
That report said that the Afghan government had control or influence over only 52 percent of Afghanistans 407 districts last year.He didnt offer specifics nor did he indicate whether this was an indication that the Taliban would step up their brand of justice that during their rule included public executions and the chopping off of hands for those convicted of theft.
the Taliban disguised as Afghan army soldiers slipped into the compound of the 209 Corps in northern Afghanistans Balkh province.establishing what he called social justice and development mechanisms.