SEC sued over unlawful targeting of crypto industry
George Santos announced Thursday that he wont run for reelection in 2024
car burnings and gang violence in migrant neighborhoods.anti-migrant parties have made strong electoral gains since 2015.
has been welcoming and generous to migrants and refugees for decades.Kristersson became party leader last year and has been in parliament since 2014.Austria and Italy -- countries that have received large shares of migrants -- populist.
Swedens liberal abortion law has also become an issue because the Sweden Democrats have proposed to lower the legal limit for abortions from the current 18 weeks to 12.Give the public a break - The FAKE NEWS media is trying to say that large scale immigration in Sweden is working out just beautifully.
was elected to parliament in 2010.
He has also changed the old party symbol.George Santos to immediately resign.
Santos blasted the report as a disgusting politicized smear that shows the depths of how low our federal government has sunk in his lengthy statement.based on the findings of the Ethics Committee report.
this report confirms what we knew: George Santos is a fraud.I believe this is long overdue.