Japan Alliance/GVJCI Holiday Party and Toy Drive
Mugabe was stripped of his party leadership on Sunday by the Central Committee of the ruling ZANU-PF but said in his speech he would preside over a party congress next month.
This will let the Third District participate in a valid election.000 wires from a pair of contributors to Santos congressional campaign in October 2022.
It is a disgusting politicized smear that shows the depths of how low our federal government has sunk.If the expulsion had been successful.But subcommittee members said that Santos was actively conspiring with his former campaign treasurer to falsify campaign finance reports.
the committee has given two updates on its investigation.Santos would have become just the sixth House member to be expelled from Congress.
finding that there was substantial evidence the congressman violated federal law and engaged in a complex web of illegal activity involving his finances.
They should all be ashamed of themselves.But he is virtually powerless and deserted by most of his allies.
They hope that a change of leadership might improve peoples lives.He acknowledged that Zimbabwe faces challenges in the long term.
Euphoric crowds chanted He must go! as they waved placards demanding Mugabes resignation.which is widely blamed for the collapse of an economy that was once one of Africas wealthiest.