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and his wife Amber founded the organization in 2019.
adding that after the verdict was announced and Skochilenko was led away.which the group defines as someone who has not used or advocated violence or hatred and is imprisoned solely because of who they are.
Russian authorities put her on awanted listand prosecuted and tried her in absentia.Skochilenkos arrest came about a month after authorities adopted a law effectively criminalizing any public expression about the war that deviates from the official Kremlin line.Some 400 people were hiding in it from the shelling.
punishable by a fine or a short stint in jail.has declared Skochilenko a political prisoner.
Sasha Skochilenko shows a victory sign in the court room.
including a congenital heart defect.Stockin says he has been wrongly accused and is innocent.
which an accused party is allowed to waive.The Army has not made the charging sheet publicly available.
CBS has reviewed six of the seven claims filed.Lawyers representing former patients of a military doctor at the center of a widening sexual assault case say they have filed five new federal civil complaints against the Army and the Defense Department Monday for failing to protect them from abuse.