Screening of ‘a(chǎn)kaDAN’ at JANM_789win
which handled th789wine Webb observations of MACS0416.
So my hope is that this new federal funding that we passed on a bipartisan basis last year will prompt states like Tennessee to take a look at red flag laws.The thing thats di789winfferent in the United States is the number of guns.
But I think wed be a safer nation if we required just a little bit of training before you bought the most dangerous weapons commercially available.You had a pretty heated exchange with Senator Ted Cruz.The followi789winng is a transcript of an interview with Sen.
has a red flag law thats been used 8.MARGARET BRENNAN: Tennessees Governor.
And we did that because we found common ground.
bought seven different weapons.In a statement provided to the Associated Press.
General Services Administration (GSA).also in Maryland and to the east of the D.
making the current building unsustainablewe will allow it to operate again.