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incapacitated or had even died.
But the cost of deporting the hippos is also expensive an estimated$3.Scientists warn that the hippos feces change the composition of rivers and could impact the habitat of local manatees and capybaras.
It was part of a larger government effort to control the population of more than 100 of the mammals that roam around unsupervised in some rivers.which spread from Escobars estate into nearby rivers where they flourished.the environment ministry said the procedure is expensive each sterilization costs about $9.
told CBS News that because the hippos roam freely.A group of hippos was brought in the 1980s to Hacienda Npoles.
Hippos float in the lagoon at Hacienda Napoles Park.
said in a video distributed to the press.its- its truly- you believe that the institutions of our democracy are at risk if Donald Trump gets reelected to the presidency?FORMER SEC.
Do you actually think thats holding?FORMER SEC.MARGARET BRENNAN: A year ago when we spoke.
strategic ambiguity if you will.MARGARET BRENNAN: But there is arguments.