Facebook: We made a 'terrible error' when we killed everyone
he acknowledged the gas pipeline projects smooth implementation progress.
— VNA/VNS Photo An V?n ??ngThe National Assembly (NA) passed the revised Social Insurance Law on Saturday.individuals who cease participation in social security can only be entitled to one-time social security payment if they fall into one of the following categories:They have reached the age of retirement but have not yet paid 15 years of social security contributions; they go abroad to settle permanently; they suffer from one of the following diseases: cancer.
The revised law passed with 454 out of 465 deputies in favour.Chairman of the NAs Social Affairs Committee.severe tuberculosis and AIDS; they have a work capacity reduction of 81 per cent or higher; or they are classified as severely disabled.
— VNS Vietnam to implement new Land.increasing the number of people who remain in the social security system for long-term benefits.
which will take effect on July 1.
a specific provision of the law regarding one-time withdrawals of social security benefits also received 93.Photo: WowCordilleraDo An Golden Bridge in Da Nang tops the list of fresh wonders of the world Golden Bridge in Da Nang named worlds new wonders by UK daily Vietnams Golden Bridge among worlds most stunning bridges Comment Copy link Topic: travel news da nang news.
Photo: JdnewsNamed the Tianquan Buddha Hand Bridge.000 visitors during its trial period alone.
it received mixed reactions due to its grey-white paint and red-painted fingernails.China) was noted for its similar concept.