Kidnapped WonderFi CEO released after paying $720k ransom
The outcome was closer than expected after the UAWs celebrations of victories last month on many key demands that led to six weeks of targeted walkouts against GM.
This report concludes that this is the case in Myanmar.published by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and the non-profit organization Fortify Rights.
Tillerson told reporters while he was in Myanmar.Rohingya crisis becomes humanitarian disaster 03:40 The definition of genocide is an intentional targeting of a community with the goal of its complete destruction.The militants were reportedly angry about the discriminatory treatment of Rohingya Muslims.
The report documents widespread and systematic attacks on Rohingya civilians from October to December in 2016 and also from August 25.Investigators also documented cases of mass rape and gang rape.
They tried to kill us all.
The crimes catalogued on the ground include the killing by Burmese soldiers of men.He is unfit to serve and should resign today.
Santos criticized the Ethics Committee for releasing what he said was a biased report and continued to defend himself from the allegations of wrongdoing.The full ethics panel unanimously voted to refer the evidence of Santos alleged violations to the Justice Department.
A fundamental tenet of government service is that public office is a public trust.The subcommittee accused Santos of an array of wrongdoing during his 2020 and 2022 congressional bids.