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the biggest problem this world has is nuclear proliferation and we have a country like there.
Strombo will be the first World War II veteran to return a flag in person to a Japanese family through the Obon Society.I know it means so much to them.
nervously scanned the terrain.The calligraphy turned out to be the signatures of 180 friends and neighbors who saw Yasue off to war in Higashi Shirakawa.this week before boarding a flight to Japan.
who co-founded the Obon Society with his Japanese wife.then took the flag and scrambled to reunite with his squadron as they entered the Japanese-held town of Garapan.
Strombo knelt and pulled out a silk flag.
Strombo is returning the Japanese flag to his fallen enemys family.Israel has accused Hamas of having a command center underneath the hospital.
but declined to be more specificaccording to the Israel Defense Forces.
Well have more of our exclusive interview tonight on the @CBSEveningNews pic.🚨BREAKING NEWS: Israeli PM Netanyahu tells me they had strong indications some of the hostages were held in Al-Shifa Hospital.