Monterey Peninsula JACL to Hold Free Event at JA Heritage Center
the government also goes too far and tears down a persons character completely.
There was no rhyme or reason to the attack.rushed over and saw two women wounded.
He put Richardson and Cynthia Woodard.Richardson was stabbed as she left an exercise class.A campus blood drive for the victims was planned for Thursday.
in addition to charges of attempted murder.according to a statement from Louisiana Tech University in Ruston.
Retired teacher Debby Hollimon of Ruston told the Ruston Daily Leader she heard screams and saw a man attacking another woman.
who had been stabbed in the throat.Serup testified that the captors told Ottosen the beating was a farewell present not to forget them.
and Kotey was captured alongside Elsheikh and also brought to Virginia to face trial.We were so weak and shattered we could barely lift our arms.
was one of the worst stretches of captivity.Four Americans journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff and aid workers Peter Kassig and Kayla Mueller were among them.