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also regarding the ex-presidents legal battles.
Fernando Vergara / AP Independent journalist Audrey Huse.More grass means they have an oversupply of food.
It was part of a larger government effort to control the population of more than 100 of the mammals that roam around unsupervised in some rivers.including allergic reactions to anesthesia or death.Rain events around the area have complicated efforts to capture the animals.
as well as risks to the animal health personnel.and that if no measures are taken.
Experts say sterilization alone is not enough to control the growth of the invasive species.
chief of the environment office in charge of the plan.South Korean officials have occasionally told separated families of their support for unofficial exchanges
but Richardson collapsed in the back seat as he arrived.a retired Lincoln Parish judge.
authorities werent aware of anything that would indicate concerning behavior.a small city in north-central Louisiana with a population of about 22.