N. Korea convenes meeting to discuss natural disaster prevention measures_BK8
Primary care is theBK8 foundation of our health care system.
Health care shortages tend to be more acute in rural areas.an internist and the director of the Harvard Medical School Center for Primary Care.BK8
It tends to reward specialties that emphasize procedures.Thats not going to be addressed until we pay for it.the system that Medicare and other healBK8th plans use to pay doctors generally places more value on doing procedures like replacing a knee or inserting a stent than on delivering the whole-person.
Quinteros family came to the United States on a raft from Cuba before she was born.Any physician could use the code.
and educating them about managing their chronic conditions.
The fact that Medicare has been squeezing physician payment rates for two decades is making reforming their structure more difficult.Were not trying to decouple from China.
(Doug Mills/The New York Times via AP.This is the first time they have spoken since theirlast meeting.
and this is critically important.Biden looks to manage the relationship between the worlds two largest economies.