Trump, Kim may agree on opening liaison offices
referred to as an omnibus bill.
Known for its lush landscapes and vibrant wildlife.But in recent weeks it has been ravaged by fires that are threatening its iconic wildlife.
and each death has a domino effect.Firefighters tackle forest fires in the Pantanal wetland near Porto Jofre.a dead porcupine lays on a carpet of ash in the charred remains of what was once a forest.
Climate conditions have only made things worse.A dead crocodile is seen as forest fires rage in the Pantanal wetland in Porto Jofre.
says biologist Gustavo Figueiroa.
according to satellite monitoring by Brazilian space research agency INPE.The big fishs swim bladders are considered a delicacy in China and can bring thousands of dollars apiece at retail.
Its just out here removing nets.The fact that they hide their nets does mean that we find active nets months later that have not been checked or forgotten about or lost by the poachers.
and government payments meant to compensate for lost fishing income havent been paid in at least three months.who spent a year and a half working undercover to expose the totoaba trade.