Bavaria ax attacker kept hand-painted ISIS flag in his room
We are so far in advance than two and a half years ago.
kicking off a 32-hour rendezvous with the International Space Station to deliver 6.deputy space station program manager at the Johnson Space Center.
and some fun holiday treats for the crew.and the Dragon was released to fly on its own about 12 minutes after liftoff.Among the equipment being delivered to the station is an experimental high-speed laser communications package designed to send and receive data encoded in infrared laser beams at much higher rates than possible with traditional radio systems.
a senior scientist with the space station program.navigation and tracking systems.
and the second mission for capsule C-211.
nutrition and environmental stressors on (female) reproductive health and bone health.Domenico Stinellis / AP One display holds row after row of ancient colored dice 351 in all that in the 6th century B.
a mythological creature associated with Dionysus.Some of the tombs dated from as far back as the 10 century B.
To give an idea of just how many more artifacts are still not on display.Three such tabernae now double as exhibition rooms for once-hidden antiquities.