N. Korea will never give up nuclear arsenal: ex-U.S. spy chief
his body discovered in a bathroom next to words scrawled on the wall.
the poll indicates that just 27% of likely Iowa Republican caucus-goers are firmly in the Trump camp.No other candidate cracked double digits.
Chris Christie checked in at 4% each.27% of likely caucus-goers said DeSantis.DeSantis’ campaign views a win in the state as a way for voters to see the race as between him and Trump.
When asked for their second choice.of Trump supporters said their mind was made up to support the 45th president.
follow with each on 16% support — an increase of 10 percentage points for Haley and a drop of three percentage points for DeSantis from the prior poll.
You have DeSantis kind of holding on for second place.About seven lawmakers were huddled in the basement and loaded into police SUVs.
pepper spraying police officers and attempting to break into the building.“Imagine being that unhinged.
Video showsdozens of officers in riot gear desperately pushing back the unruly protesters as they charged toward the Canal Street and Ivy Street.5 Members of US Capitol Police pull protesters away from the headquarters of Democratic National Committee on Wednesday night.