Grant Ujifusa, JACL Redress Strategist, Dies at 82
when is a woman in her prime? It says twenties.
A large outbreak in American Samoa shuttered schools there earlier this year.last yearThe global climb in measles cases comes as health officials have worked to reverse a yearslong decline in routine immunizations within the U.
a report published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed officials warn that the global fight against the disease has struggled to recover in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.Four regions had large outbreaks.
Children at a hospital in Kabul.In all it took was one exposure for it to really spread throughout that entire community.
reversing decades of efforts to stomp out transmission.
Cases remain lower than the previous peak in 2019.The bipartisan Ethics Committee confirmed what most New Yorkers knew months ago: George Santos is a total fraud who stole an election to get to Congress.
His conduct is not only unbecoming and embarrassing.Santos blasted the report as a disgusting politicized smear that shows the depths of how low our federal government has sunk in his lengthy statement.
The House must use our Constitutional expulsion powers.George Santos should end this farce and resign immediately.