Rep. Takano Statement on Death of Local Veteran by Suicide
most powerful countries meeting is a good thing.
His conduct is not only unbecoming and embarrassing.I think he would enter a plea of guilty and work out the best deal he can with the Justice Department.
He is unfit to serve and should resign today.The average voter will see the Republicans did what they had to do.voted for his expulsion believe he needs to be removed from Congress.
he feels it would not have a major issue by the 2024 election.As the governor of the state who actually needs members of Congress who are focused on doing their jobs and delivering for New York.
New York lawmakers call on Rep.
I believe this is long overdue.As the governor of the state who actually needs members of Congress who are focused on doing their jobs and delivering for New York.
I believe this is long overdue.This will let the Third District participate in a valid election.
Ive never seen anyone with such a disgraceful record.Santos responded to the report on social media.