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the genetic mutation can cause severe anemia.
The word got out that I was a really great home.Eddie was definitely my inspiration for adopting other disabled dogs.
members of Pearls personal pack work as therapy dogs.And this is a dog that never walked for a year of his life.Pearl said she is selective when it comes to adopting dogs.
and all of her dogs have disabilities and use wheelchairs or prosthetic limbs.Even despite what has happened.
CBS News CBS News went on a walk with Pearl and her dogs and each one was more excited than the next to get outside
authorities say he climbed out of a damaged window in a day room and then fled through a cut fence.PARIS -- Russian hackers pursued journalists with the same gusto as when they went after U.
Olympians medical records 02:04 The list provides new evidence for the U.a visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution.
intelligence communitys conclusion that Fancy Bear - which Secureworks calls Iron Twilight - acted on behalf of the Russian government when it intervened in the U.the Russian troll factory that won fresh infamy in October over revelations that it had manufactured make-believe Americans to pollute social media with partisan rhetoric ahead of the 2016 election