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will reportedly have the ability to identify key phrases and topics within a web page.
Finlandization refers to a process by which a powerful nation makes a smaller neighbor refrain from opposing the former's external policy while allowing the latter to keep its independence and political system.attention has been gravitating to what policy changes Trump would bring about should he return to the White House.
made the prediction in the new foreword of his book.Trump previously almost gave away the store to Pyongyang.' he wrote in the 18-page foreword that entails his forecast for what would happen under a potential second-term Trump administration.
as Trump is expected to face President Joe Biden in the Nov.The loss of Taiwan's independence.
Bolton also forecast that burgeoning military cooperation between Pyongyang and Moscow would not keep Trump from reuniting with the North Korean leader.
China's Navy will blockade the island.I know what a Black job is: its the vice-president of the United States.
who is once again the Republican partys nominee for president.anybody that has a job.
During an interview at the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) convention on Wednesday.America deserves better.