‘Scarface’ actor Geno Silva dead at 72 from dementia complications
former Attorney General William Barr and other former Justice Department officials for documents and materials that his legal counsel alleges were part of a partisan pressure campaign to pursue investigations into the presidents son.
‘net neutrality’ charade returns and other commentary Alaska Sen.”AP/Stephanie ScarbroughHe said Canada’s failureto hit the 2% funding target was a burning issue during a NATO summit last week in Lithuania.
Trudeau told the Anchorage Daily News.Theyre our only neighbor in Alaska.The Republican senator called Canada one of the biggest laggards in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization by failing to cough up 2% of its gross domestic product to fund the Western alliance.
see also Justin Trudeau blames ‘American right wing’ for Muslims opposing LGBTQ curriculum: ‘Leave our kids alone!’ Sullivan said a recent Wall Street Journal editorial calling out Trudeau was spot-on.Dan Sullivan on Sunday accused Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his country of being a “free rider” for skirting their responsibility to provide adequate military funding for NATO.
except the Biden administration.
only seven member countries directed at least 2% of their GDP to defense spending.This happens when Social Securityoverpays beneficiaries.
which restores those lost benefits once the claimant reaches full retirement age.Claiming too early can cost you $182.
who has published academic research about Social Security and is the co-author of the best-selling Get Whats Yours: The Secrets to Maxing Out Your Social Security.People can also wait to claim Social Security until they are 70.