Monrovia Names Park After Issei Pioneer
and you have to do your homework.
most of the victims being members of the Afghan security forces.officials in a nascent peace process.
An Afghan military vehicle is seen near a site after a car bomb attack on a military base in the central province of Maidan Wardak on January 21.The Afghan government has played a very minor role in the dialogue between the U.officials had resumed in Qatar.
A source close to the talks told the news agency that Taliban officials met with Khalilzad in Doha.igniting a firefight with Afghan security forces.
Akhtar Mohammad Taheri -- the head of Wardak provincial council -- told AFP.
but that devastating toll was not immediately confirmed by Afghan officials speaking on the record.Jim Slosiarek / AP Prosecutors said Goodale and his friend Willard Miller.
Jeremy Goodale tears up as he listens to his sister Jacqueline read a tribute he wrote about her as she testifies at his sentence hearing at the Jefferson County Courthouse in Fairfield.but Showers noted the teen is a smart person who could easily have stopped it from being carried out.
Goodales lawyer had said he should be sentenced to life with no mandatory minimum sentence before he is eligible for parole.decided to kill Graber because of a bad grade she had given Miller.