SEE IT: Heartwarming video captures moment dog is reunited with owners after 2 years missing
— VNA/VNS Photo Nguy?n ThanhProlonged heavy rains through the previous night washed down red sand from a nearby hill on to Hu?nh Thúc Kháng Street in M?i Né Ward at around 2:30am.
the structure of vocational training has not closely aligned with the labour markets demand.Answering reporters query about selected areas for questioning at the 7th session.
Ho Chi Minh was a forerunner who he was on the road to where he wanted to be.Ambassador Nguyen Huy Tang highlighted the fruitful development of relations between Vietnam and Cambodia with substantive and effective achievements across fields from political.but due to unforeseen reasons.
Vietnam boost cooperation in justiceA delegation from the Supreme Peoples Court led by its Deputy Chief Justice Nguyen Van Tien made an official visit to Cuba from May 13- to May 18 to foster bilateral ties and attend the 11th International Meeting of Justice and Law.President Ho Chi Minhs birthday marked in CambodiaAn incense offering ceremony was held at the Vietnamese Embassy in Cambodia on May 17 in celebration of the 134th birth anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh (May 19.
and Innovation Luciana Santos.
The events theme is Th?i Kh?c Vàng- To? Sáng ?am Mê (The Golden Time - Shine for the Best).935) for the best five film projects.
Local authorities also organise courses on drowning prevention.where the Ho Chi Minh Avenue is located.
Vietnam and Cuba also share the common spirit of patriotism and ideology values.During his stay in New York and Boston.