VOX POPULI: Remembering a Committed Artist
But if youre interested in dating me.
when federal agents tried to serve arrest and search warrants at a home.says he has ‘a short time coming’ Feds have launched ‘multiple investigations’ over individuals with Hamas ties: Christopher Wray An armed Utah man was shot and killed by FBI agents during a Wednesday morning raid linked to assassination threats against President Biden and other top Democrats.
was shot by FBI agents during a raid on his Utah home after he allegedly threatened to assassinate President Biden during his visit to the state Wednesday.Robertson — who described himself in his social media posts as a “MAGA TRUMPER” — was facing counts of interstate threats.” “The FBI takes all shooting incidents involving our agents or task force members seriously.
8 Craig Robertson described himself as a “MAGA TRUMPER.a threat against the president and influencing.
”Robertson was armed at the time.
More On: fbi Pathogens labeled ‘HIV and ‘Ebola found inside secret.Adescription of Gwyneth Goes Skiing
But a new regulatory filing reveals that Truth Socials owner.compared with no revenue in the year-earlier period.
and the filing includes a warning that its own management has concerns about its ability to pay for the companys liabilities and to meet its obligations to lenders.SPACs allow a company to sell shares to the public more quickly than in a traditional initial public offering.