N. Korea reaffirms plan for anti-Seoul leaflet campaign
The seismic activity is close to a populated area.
An investigation into the 15-second clip led authorities to charge one of the teens in the video for taking the alligator without a permit.hold it in the air and chug the drink before carelessly dropping the animal on the ground
believing there are no more survivors.rescuers saved 108 of 470 beached long-finned pilot whales in Tasmanias Macquarie Harbour.said officials have so far disposed of 15 whales at sea in order to test the disposal method.
some researchers have suggested the whales may have gone off track after feeding close to the shoreline or by following one or two whales that strayed.Tasmanians come together to respond as quickly and compassionately as possible.
We only had one whale restrand overnight.
Collection and disposal is being undertaken with the assistance of aquaculture companies whose equipment and expertise on the harbour is essential for a timely and effective outcome.Frances counterterrorism prosecutor said authorities suspect a terrorist motive because of the place and timing of the stabbings: in front of the building where Charlie Hebdowas based until the Islamic extremist attack on its cartoonists and at a time when suspects in the 2015 attack are on trial across town
with 14 of those victims only suffering from minor injuries.” the company said in a statement.
according to Ventura County Star.Photos of the scene showed the truck totally demolished.