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Claiming too earlyThis may be the single biggest issue iSKY88mpacting Americans because Social Security allows people to begin collecting their benefits when they turn 62.
have described seeing the militants take girls with themIm looking at the young staffer in the back who is representing the youths in this moment so well ?? pic.SKY88
which is widely believed to be a mouthpiece for the Chinese Communist Party.Congrats to Matt Gaetz on unwittingly entering CCP propaganda into the Congressional record.An apparently flusteredSKY88 Gaetz then responded.
2023A spokesman for Gaetz said in a statement obtained by Newsweek that the congressman wanted to ask if the report was true and since Kahl said it wasnt this the Global Times from China? Kahl responded.
didn't bother to read the source of the material he was quoting before entering a Chinese propaganda piece off the Internet into the Congressional record.
com/cZOqB0XP07 Olivia Julianna ?? (@0liviajulianna) February 28.The zoo has had pandas ever since until the trio was returned recently.
after tensions between the countries threatened the future of the agreement.but their stay was extended several times.
just outside of San Francisco.and all of them are at the Atlanta Zoo.