Las Vegas mass shooter Stephen Paddock committed suicide by shooting himself in the mouth
and a friend pleaded guilty earlier this year to first-degree murder in the beating death of Graber.
A mob of young people ransacked a McDonalds in Los Angeles.which showed one person knocking down a glass display case while another ripped a cash register out from the counter and took it outside.
a McDonalds worker is seen using a chair as a shield against the crowd.The incident occurred on Juneteenth.with people seen running into the restaurant and destroying furniture before confronting staff standing behind the cash register.
It wasnt immediately clear what prompted the crowd to trash and loot the restaurant.the nations newest federal holiday.
Teens loot a McDonalds in Los Angeles on Juneteenth.
com/DUaIsrtkiV Kollege Kidd (@KollegeKidd) June 20.But its also an incredibly complex system.
which is they live to the maximum.the Social Security Administration said.
our payment accuracy rates remain very should set that money aside because theyre going to come back for it at some point.