‘Terminal Island’ Authors at Cypress Library_ww88
His comments have beww88en criticized as hurtful to some groups.
Republicans blocked that effort and instead referred the matter to the Ethics Committee.Santos criticized the Ethics Committee ww88for releasing what he said was a biased report and continued to defend himself from the allegations of wrongdoing.
Santos would have become just the sixth House member to be expelled from Congress.including blatantly stealing from his campaign; deceiving supporters into providing what they believed were donations to his campaign.when Democrats sought to remove him from Congress after he was first charged with fraud.ww88
and then diverting that campaign money to himself; and using connections to high-value donors and political campaigns to obtain more money for himself.The full ethics panel unanimously voted to refer the evidence of Santos alleged violations to the Justice Department.
the subcommittee said in its report.
one of the Republicans from the New York delegation who sought to expel Santos.this report confirms what we knew: George Santos is a fraud.
saying he will not seek reelection.George Santos should end this farce and resign immediately.
I think he would enter a plea of guilty and work out the best deal he can with the Justice Department.he must be removed from Congress.