Separated family reunions to focus on participants
What Nikki doesnt support is letting the Chinese and Iranians create anonymous accounts to spread chaos and anti-American filth among our people.
but that one person who tried to enter at the gate had to hand over his pistol.While Trump received a warm reception in Pickens.
This article was updated with comment from Chief Deputy Chuck James.Lindsey Graham was booed by the crowd.The person was later able to retrieve the gun when they left the gathering.
there were zero event-related arrests.A split image of a crowd in Pickens.
The crowd size in Pickens is estimated to have been around 10 times the size of of the town ehere it was held.
It was unclear whether the downed tree was connected in any way with the gathering.aggressive three-ton animals is complicated.
Colombia on Tuesday began the sterilization of hippopotamuses.Rain events around the area have complicated efforts to capture the animals.
Scientists warn that the hippos feces change the composition of rivers and could impact the habitat of local manatees and capybaras.which then poisons the rivers.