'Finstas' can be boring or funny or sexy — but they're always real
and she has found a kindred spirit in the Grand Imam of Lahore -- one of the most powerful spiritual leaders in Pakistan.
Upon arrival at the retreat site.The therapy session started with the use of mapacho smoke to cleanse the space.
Aguilar first focused on setting intentions and preparing the veterans for their experience.Daniels went through a range of emotions.and there was laid bare so much pain.
As I watched more of my teammatesmore veterans start to take their own lives.the location of which CBS News was asked not to disclose for the safety and security of the participants
The documentarywhose screening was only announced on the festivals opening day on Thursday.
Alex Wong/Getty ImagesIn 2018.She was subjected to a tremendous ordeal and she suffered so much.
Lukasz Pawel Herba is seen in a photo released by Italian police.On Sunday -- almost three weeks after she says she was released -- Ayling returned to Britain.
where she was kept handcuffed to a wooden dresser.bound hand and foot and with tape across her mouth.