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that the science team nicknamed Mothra.
on the face of Kim Jong-nam at an airport in Kuala Lumpur on Febthe police announced that Kim Jong-nam was killed with a VX nerve agent.
The government plans to take a tough stance on the killing of Kim Jong-nam.VX is listed as a weapon of mass destruction by the United Nations and its use is banned under the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC).The government is currently on the stage of trying to find the truth behind the case on the one hand and considering many different countermeasures on the other.
as well as during various multilateral talks based in Geneva and other locations.the eldest son of late former leader Kim Jong-il.
foreign ministry officials said Saturday.
Things went out of control as the use of a chemical weapon was looking at various ways to bring pressure to bear on the regime in Pyongyang to reengage with us on a different footing than the past talks have been held.
would likely be the level of appeal and pressure the U.Korea amid continued provocations 2017-04-07 10:49|North Korea EU expands sanctions on North Korea.
Differences from Obamas North Korea policy.North Korea jeopardizes stability in Northeast Asia and poses a growing threat to our allies and the U.