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said AJ had been bitten by ants.
leading to internal bleeding and possible death.where the iconic Taj Mahal draws hundreds of thousands of visitors every year.
likely victims of parallel dengue and scrub typhus outbreaks.New Delhi Indias health authorities have solved the mystery of an illness that has infected thousands and left more than 100 people dead in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh.Patients often suffer from fever.
one caused by a bacteria and the other a virus.Dengueis a viral infection that spreads through the bites of infected mosquitoes.
People watch over children being treated for high fever.
in Indias northern Uttar Pradesh state.Go live in Israel … go back to your country! he tells the person confronting them.
”@MrAndyNgo / X 4 The woman repeatedly told the Jewish man to “f– off” and accused Israelis of being “rapists.pulling the phone receiver away from his ear.
the man replies defiantly: ‘Very proud.Asked again if they’re “real proud” of themselves.