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Police went to the house at the request of a worried family member.
The cause has not yet been established.LONDON -- At least five people were killed and five more hospitalized.
Electricity to the area was cut for safety reasons and a large police cordon was established.Four dead in Leicester shop blast https://t.but police said they did not think terrorism was involved.
including a convenience store.We believe there may be people who have not yet been accounted for and rescue efforts continue in order to locate any further casualties.
It happened on a crowded street that leads into Leicesters city center.
Emergency crews were combing the property and investigators were interviewing possible witnesses Monday morning.Tina Fontaines remains were discovered eight days after she was reported missing in August 2014.
2018 The Canadian government has been conducting a separate public inquiry into murdered and missing aboriginal women across Canada.She did not die because she was suffering in pain from her fathers death
who for years was one of Bollywoods top actresses.that she was under the influence of alcohol.