KING: Why we must take police brutality cases all the way to the Supreme Court_W88
a key metric W88for measuring beer sales.
Addressing the judge in a courtroom full of supporters.5 days of time served in a regular penal colony.W88
another prominent rights group that monitors political arrests and provides legal aid.punishable by a fine or a short stint in jail.and late OctobeW88r 2023 for speaking out or demonstrating against the war.
But she has struggled while in custody due to health problems.Dmitri Lovetsky / AP Skochilenko has been held for nearly 19 months before her trial.
Skochilenkos arrest came about a month after authorities adopted a law effectively criminalizing any public expression about the war that deviates from the official Kremlin line.
100 faced petty charges of discrediting the army.Ive never seen anyone with such a disgraceful record.
committed fraud should not serve in the House of Representatives.New York lawmakers call on Rep.
He is unfit to serve and should resign today.Santos responded to the report on social media.