L.A. County CEO Fujioka Endorses Kuehl
35 Russian helicopters started attacking Hostomel airport on the northwest outskirts of Ukraines capital of Kyiv.
” his family said in a Sept.More On: police brutality Video shows woman pummeled by North Carolina cop after arrest for smoking marijuana What is ‘excited delirium’ — and why did California ban the term? 1 of 2 Colorado officers convicted in Elijah McClains death after neck hold.
Pool 6 Matthew Collins and Burbank are charged with second-degree murder for Ellis’ death.and deliver a not guilty verdict.6 Police have claimed that Ellis tried to open a vehicle’s door at an intersection and attacked their patrol car.
and a pizza delivery driver in a third car — all said they never saw Ellis attempt to strike the officers.One officer pushes his face into the pavement as he pleads in vain: Cant breathe.
with meth intoxication and an enlarged heart as complicating factors.
The three civilian witnesses — a woman in one car.an LA judge issued a preliminary injunction essentially reinstating the policy – with a Los Angeles Superior Court judge upholding the decision in July.
Supporters of the reform measure argue that it will not impact the crime rate.“A person’s ability to pay a large sum of money should not be the determining factor in deciding whether that person
Units mobilized to remove the pilot and co-pilot.A DHL plane slid out of control and crashed on the runway of Juan Santa Maria Airport in Costa Rica on Thursday.