Arizona’s Sheriff Joe admits investigation into judge’s wife
Their ship hit a German mine and exploded.
It is a disgusting politicized smear that shows the depths of how low our federal government has sunk.The committee said in a statement announcing the release of its findings that the investigative subcommittee tasked with examining allegations of misconduct by Santos unanimously concluded that there was substantial evidence that he knowingly caused his campaign committee to file false or incomplete reports with the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
Florida-based RedStone Strategies.000 wires from a pair of contributors to Santos congressional campaign in October 2022.It was a disgusting hit piece that really shows how low our federal government has sunk to and how we the people desperately need an Article V constitutional Convention.
Michael Kaplan and Jaala Brown contributed reporting.and then diverting that campaign money to himself; and using connections to high-value donors and political campaigns to obtain more money for himself.
The committee went to extraordinary lengths to smear myself and my legal team about me not being forthcoming (My legal bills suggest otherwise).
committee leaders announced more than 30 subpoenas and dozens of voluntary requests for information.not satisfactory for the doctors.
Uruguay struggles to keep up with demand after legalizing marijuana 00:25 He said the current legal situation was not satisfactory for the parents.Common sense and the power of mothers and fathers of sick children has bust the political process wide open and is on the verge of changing thousands of lives
a passenger on the KM Sinar Bangun ferry which sank yesterday in Lake Toba.a spokesman for the search and rescue agency in nearby Medan.