The 10 moments Snapchat wishes would disappear from its history
which handled the Webb observations of MACS0416.
Archaeologist Luc Vanrells life changed the second he surfaced inside the Cosquer cavern and saw its staggering images.Vanrell suspects this might indicate that they may have been already domesticated.
Cosquer kept the news to himself and a few close friends.At the time we were in the middle of an ice age and the sea was 135 meters lower than it is today.passing through the mouth of the cave until they emerge into a huge cavern.
Little by little he dared to venture further and further into 137-metre-long breach in the cliff until one day he came out through a cavity cut out by the seaAnd because the cave walls that are today underwater were probably also once decorated.
diving down is like a journey into oneself.
he remembers the aesthetic shock.Many museums and galleries have special exhibitions and events.
even if he sometimes sounds weary talking about it.showing the monarchs face covered in ransom-note lettering.
The special airs on the Queens Platinum Jubilee.Lydon and his former bandmates faced off in court earlier this year when the singer tried to stop the groups music being used in the Pistol TV series.