Juul can keep selling electronic cigarettes after court temporarily blocks FDA ban
I don’t know what is going on.
The source of her ailment? Water beads.A third mother described the stress of knowing that toys that hurt their children remain on the market.
chair of pediatrics at Hackensack Meridian Health K.but the incident required surgery and extensive post-operative care.love to put things in their mouth.
Thats why parents and the chair of the Consumer Products Safety Commission are backing a congressmans plan to propose legislation banning water beads marketed for kids.as well those of other toy sellers.
Regulatory steps that can be taken by CPSC to prevent water beads from being on store shelves could take years and still face court challenges.
they are more difficult to detect in x-rays.bigger shipsShips pose a definite danger to whales.
the 47-foot-long male had extensive bruising to blubber and muscles on its head.in 2021 and is now a regular visitor.
says there is no scientific proof of windfarm preparations killing whales and calls campaigners “alarmist” for jumping to make a link.so there’s more whales in the same place as all the fishing gear and shipping channels.