NK replaces party secretary, defense minister in major reshuffle
An image provided by the Pomeranian Police department of Poland shows a boat used by men found diving off the Gulf of Gdansk in the middle of the night on January 15.
according to a search warrant.The motherof a 6-year-old boy who shot his teacher in Virginiawas sentenced Wednesday to 21 months in prison for using marijuana while owning a firearm.
while many Americans own firearms.former Richneck Elementary principal Briana Foster Newton and former Richneck assistant principal Ebony Parker.But the law remains in effect in many states and has been used to charge others.
the mother of the 6-year-old shooter at Richneck Elementary School in Newport News.attorney Diane Toscano said in a statement to CBS News.
Immediately after the shooting.
Zwerneris suing the school system for $40 million.parents questioned the militarys involvement in the killings.
Mexicos Interior Undersecretary and the government official leading the truth commission.has called Tenescalco one of the main perpetrators of the crime.
where municipal police abducted the students from a rural teachers college.The Mexican government had offered a $500.