Next on ‘Asian Pacific America’: Lysander Abadia, Arabella DeLucco
The Army has not made the charging sheet publicly available.
Fourteen of the marchers were killed and more than 750 wounded by Israeli fire in clashes along the border fence.IBRAHEEM ABU MUSTAFA/REUTERS Groups of marchers threw stones at Israeli soldiers who responded with live fire.
signaling that any deal on Hamas handing the Gaza government to Abbas is increasingly unlikely.Security Council has called an emergency meeting to discuss the deadly clashes.Israel had threatened a tough response.
The 70th anniversary of the establishment of Israel.Palestinian gunmen fired toward soldiers.
The planned mass sit-ins on the border are also seen as a new attempt by Hamas to break the border blockade.
The Israeli military released video showing a row of snipers perched on a high earthen embankment facing the Gaza crowd in one location.he wanted American troops out of Syria.
Trumps aides thought theyd persuaded him that the U.Were going to get back to our country.
Trump signed off on major speech in January in which Tillerson laid out the new strategy and declared it is vital for the United States to remain engaged in they call it -- sometimes referred to as land.