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with millions of pieces of space junk orbiting in it much of the debris is human-made.
The Army says the charges are now in the hands of Stockins brigade commander.and in each the alleged victims claim to have been severely and irreparably harmed.
Stockin would not have been in a position to sexually abuse me and other patients.such as recorded or written statements to law enforcement.Stockin is presumed innocent until proven guilty at trial.
a prosecutor might submit alternative forms of attorney representing several of Stockins accusers in the criminal matter.
the case is referred to the commander who determines whether the case will go to court martial.
argue that it should not be as uncommon for victims to testify at the hearingsBut make no mistake: This is yet another strawman through which the Russians are driving a stake.
[and has] been in use for decades.These tank rounds are considered to be particularly effective in piercing the enemy armor of tanks.
4 BMP [ a Russian amphibious tracked infantry fighting vehicle].making their passage more deadly for armored vehicles.