Takai Named to House Armed Services Committee
Freepoint Commodities confirmed in a statement that the employee seen in a now-viral video “is no longer associated with” the company that “does not tolerate discrimination and hate speech directed against any group.
Newsweek reached out to McCarthys office via email for comment.The Florida congressman threatened the speaker with daily motions to vacate his office if he did not sufficiently comply with certain GOP demands.
calling it a baby step and threatening to try to vacate McCarthy from the speakership if he did not come into full compliance on a number of other issues.total compliance or remove you pursuant to a motion to vacate the chair.you are out of compliance with the agreement that allowed you to assume this role.
and subpoenas not being issued for the presidents son.Capital riot security tapes not being released.
The investigations have yet to yield any direct evidence of wrongdoing by the president.
and were gonna have them regularly.but when they went to the prison to greet her
4 A nationwide manhunt has been launched in the UK for escaped inmate Daniel AbedKhalife.head of the London police’s Counter Terrorism Command.
More On: prison break Murder suspect mistakenly freed from jail captured after 2 weeks on the run Pennsylvania prison beefing up security after murderer Danelo Cavalcante’s embarrassing jailbreak Murder suspect still on the loose 9 days after feigning ankle injury to flee custody — as DC cops offer $30K reward Escaped murderer Danelo Cavalcante seen barefoot and bloodied — as pics of heroic K-9 that caught him emerge A massive UK manhunt is underway after an ex-soldier facing terrorism charges slipped out of a London prison by strapping himself to the bottom of a van while dressed as a chef — with his escape going unnoticed for nearly an hour.AFP via Getty Images 4 Trucks queue for the Port of Dover along the A20 in Kent as security checks are being carried out amid an ongoing effort to track down Khalife.